Statement of Commitment
The Manitoba Museum is dedicated to ensuring equal access and participation for all. We advocate for inclusion and strive to treat every individual in a manner that upholds their dignity and independence. Our commitment extends to addressing the accessibility challenges faced by various individuals. We pledge to identify, eliminate, and prevent barriers, aligning with the stipulations of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act (AMA).
While we are dedicated to removing barriers, we acknowledge that our current museum setup may not cater to all needs. If you have specific requirements, please contact our team directly at 204-956-2830 ext. 0, or by email at
Disclaimer: The Manitoba Museum opened its doors in 1970 and understands that many parts of the Museum are due for renewal. We appreciate your patience as the Museum continues to address outdated infrastructure.
Have a question or comment? We value your feedback. Please get in touch with us by phone at 204-956-2830 ext. 0, or by email at
Rupert Avenue (Entrance CLOSED) – This main entrance to the Manitoba Museum is being renovated, including an updated a ramp and stairs to the Museum lobby. Click here for full construction details.
Main Street (Entrance Open) – Secondary entrance with stairs. Temporary ramps have been set up allowing full access through this entrance during Rupert Avenue construction. Click here to view the current entrance map. Get ready for your next visit by watching our video with directions to the Main Street entrance. Click here to view.
Lily Street (Entrance Open) – Secondary entrance with a fully accessible entrance including a series of ramps and a small lift to get you to the Planetarium and Science Gallery level (Concourse Hallway). The main floor galleries can then be accessed using the tower elevator.

Rupert Avenue Lot
There are two accessible parking spots located directly across from the main entrance of the Manitoba Museum on Rupert Avenue. Please be aware that the Museum does not own or operate this lot, parking availability may vary.
Loading Zone
During construction, while the primary Rupert Avenue entrance is closed, the Manitoba Centennial Concert Hall loop can be used as a loading zone. Visitors can use this area for drop-off or pick-up. Ramps are set up allowing access to the Main Street entrance from this area.
Centennial Concert Hall Indoor Parking Lot
Accessible from Lily Street, the Centennial Concert Hall indoor parking lot also offers accessible parking. This option is available on weekends during the Manitoba Museum’s operating hours.
The main floor and lower Concourse level are connected by an elevator in the Museum lobby. A small lift connects the Lily Street entrance to the Concourse level. An elevator in the Hudson’s Bay Company Gallery brings visitors up to the Nautical Balcony for a unique view of the Nonsuch.
Wheelchairs & Strollers
The Manitoba Museum is wheelchair and stroller accessible. There are temporary exterior ramps set up along the Main Street entrance, and permanent ramps at the Lily Street secondary entrance, with an elevator connecting the Galleries on the main floor to the Science Gallery and Planetarium on the Concourse level.
Wheelchairs are available to borrow from our Box Office on a first-come, first-served basis. Photo ID or credit card is required. Strollers are available in the Museum Foyer on a first-come-first-served basis. Visitors are also welcome to bring their own stroller or wheelchair.
There are gender-neutral washrooms in the Museum Foyer and in the Museum Galleries near the Nonsuch Gallery, each with a large, accessible, barrier‐free stall. There is a single-room Family washroom in the Concourse Cloakroom. All of our public washrooms include baby change tables.
Support Persons
The Manitoba Museum offers free admission to people accompanying a person with a disability (up to two support persons per visitor). This applies to general admission for Museum Galleries, Planetarium and/or Science Gallery. Please notify Box Office staff upon your arrival if you are a support person, as an admission ticket is required.